Article Writer

Breaking Taboo is looking for new Article & Community Story Writers for a chance to be published on our established mental health website. Our writers play a huge part in what we do, authoring research-based articles as well as blog-type articles that put a more personal touch on issues of national import, everything from helpful guides for how to cope with anxiety to thoughtful analyses of the vulnerable position of veterans in American society.

The selected candidate will be able to work from home and pick their own schedule. Articles submitted will appear on the Breaking Taboo website and email newsletter.


Research based articles:

  • Write research based articles or submit personal stories for publication.
  • Research topics related to mental health.
  • Demonstrate comprehensive essay writing abilities
  • Utilize proper citation

You would be writing research-based articles on an approved topic of your choice within the mental health sphere. In the past, we have had members write everything from coping mechanisms to integrating mental health education into the school curriculum.

Community Stories:

Share your own personal mental health journey, or that of someone you know in a creative medium of your choice. Possibilities include:

  • Personal blog entry
  • Poetry
  • Journal
  • Art
  • Photography


Only required if submitting for research based articles role: Strong research and writing skills. Must be able to work independently and meet deadlines with very little supervision. Experience writing SEO friendly content is helpful, but not required. Availability to volunteer for a period lasting no less than 3 months.

submission guidelines

Only required if submitting for the research based article position: You will be asked to submit your resume, the reason you are applying, and at least 3 writing samples. Preferred writing samples include some forms of research based essays and a personal piece if you have one.

Complete Volunteer Signup Form

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