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Red Flags in a Therapist
It has always been my belief that the world would be a better place if everyone got therapy, somewhat regularly, including therapists. Whether your goal is to resolve past trauma, change behavior, get rid of certain thoughts, cope with emotion or with a mental...
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Inside the Cuckoo’s Nest: My Time in a Psych Ward
My only knowledge of psych wards growing up was from movies. One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Girl Interrupted, etc. I never knew anyone who had personally been admitted, or at least no one honest about it. My high school in Hartford, CT was...
The loss of someone you don’t know: How Matthew Perry’s death affected me
I was in elementary school when I first watched an episode of Friends. I was immediately drawn to...
Mental Health In the Work Place
Before diving in, I’d like to explain my word choice. Instead of “Mental Illness,” I will refer to...
What is the Difference Between Personality Disorders and Mood Disorders?
Mood swings during stressful times are natural, but those living with a mood disorder like bipolar...
A Psychotic Mind: My History of Schizophrenia, Self-Harm, and Suicide Attempts
*Trigger warning: Self-harm and suicide attempts As a child, I remember being happy, I remember...

Is it Depression or ADHD? You Could Have Both
Both Depression and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are very commonin our population. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2021) shows statistics that theprevalence of the current adult population in the United States with ADHD is 4.4%; for...
What is the Difference Between Personality Disorders and Mood Disorders?
Mood swings during stressful times are natural, but those living with a mood disorder like bipolar...
How Does Attention and Imagery Ability Relate to Emotion?
It seems evident that the depth that individuals feel and emotionally respond toward stimuli ebbs...
Mental Health IS physical Health, Exercise Boosts both!
Mental Health IS health. I’ve always said that, because it’s the truth. We can’t separate the two....
Mental Health Disparities in the LGBTQI+ Community
Among the many health disparities, a glaring one is the higher rate of mental health disorders in...
May- Mental Health Awareness Month Multidimensional Awareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Which means that there is a lot of extra focus on mental...
Toxic Masculinity: Causing depression in men
“Man up!” “Boys don’t cry!” “Don’t be such a girl!” Sound familiar? These are just a few of...
community stories
The loss of someone you don’t know: How Matthew Perry’s death affected me
I was in elementary school when I first watched an episode of Friends. I was immediately drawn to the character of Chandler. We were both awkward. We were both funny. We both had problems. He was one of my first TV crushes after Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. I became...
Mental Health In the Work Place
Before diving in, I’d like to explain my word choice. Instead of “Mental Illness,” I will refer to it as “Mental Health Challenges.” I don’t like to use terms like “illness,” “issues”, or “problems.” The reason being is, unlike physical ailments, mental health plays a...
A Psychotic Mind: My History of Schizophrenia, Self-Harm, and Suicide Attempts
*Trigger warning: Self-harm and suicide attempts As a child, I remember being happy, I remember feeling safe, but after my parent's divorce, I remember feeling so much anguish and pain. For me, self-injury was activated by my parent’s divorce. I was 11 years old when...
23 Years of Bipolar 1 and I’m Still Dancing
No. I wasn’t always OK with being bipolar. What’s more, the shame of living with such a disease, propelled to do ridiculous actions that your mania compels you to do, the guilt of feeling depressed when that logical side of your tore-up brain knows there is so much...