Breaking the taboo
Toxic Masculinity: Causing depression in men
“Man up!” “Boys don’t cry!” “Don’t be such a girl!” Sound familiar? These are just a few of...
Somatization and Asking for Help: How Asian Populations Respond to Psychological Stress
The intricate mechanisms of the body alone, are quite remarkable; but once we add the...
Mental Illness: How we Feed the Stigma and How to Starve It
The Stigma and the Taboo The stigma around mental illness is experienced when a person associated...
Mental Health Parity and Access to Care: Why We Need It and Why It’s Not Enough
Note: This article discusses mental health parity within the context of the U.S. healthcare...
The Time for Mental Health Education in Schools is Now
Mental health. What does it mean to a twelve-year-old? It may very well mean nothing if he or she...
What Is Breaking Taboo
Breaking Taboo is a nonprofit organization that aims to break the stereotype, or taboo,...
Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health Taboo
In September 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) [1] included Mental health in the UN...
Pill Shaming: What exactly is it?
Modern medicine has come a long way in the management of things like heart disease, cancer, and...
The Importance of Mental Health In Public Schools
It was a bright and wonderful day on July 1, 2018 when New York state decided to include mental...
Pill Shaming: Lets Talk About It
There are millions of people who suffer from mental health disorders all across the world. A lot...