With the holidays now at an end and the slow monotony of daily routine creeping back, we may all harbor bittersweet memories of what it felt like to finally have a break and be around loved ones. Bittersweet as the break may have acted both as a reunification with...
Breaking Taboo
“Self Love” in the East VS west
“Self Love” has become one of the catchiest concepts being thrown around in Western society, a terminology seemingly present now everywhere we look; on billboards, all across our social media feeds, in meditation practices and therapy practices. It is now a popular...
Happy (and not-so-happy) Holiday Season
When most people think about the holiday season, they think of positive things like quality timewith family, traditions, and good memories. They’ll say “Happy Holidays!” to friends andstrangers alike, and while the intention is usually good, they fail to realize...
How to Live (and Thrive) with a Mental Illness
Did you know: “More than 46 million Americans are living with a mental illness?” That’s nearly one in five U.S. adults (19% of the population). [1] So, what is mental illness? “Mental Illnesses are brain-based conditions that affect thinking, emotions, and...
Is it Depression or ADHD? You Could Have Both
Both Depression and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are very commonin our population. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2021) shows statistics that theprevalence of the current adult population in the United States with ADHD is 4.4%; for...
Mental Illness: How we Feed the Stigma and How to Starve It
The Stigma and the Taboo The stigma around mental illness is experienced when a person associated with a mental illness is shamed by the people around them, such as their community. It affects sufferers of a given mental illness, and often even extends to their...
Bipolar 1 Vs Bipolar 2, What’s the Difference?
Bipolar disorder is a severe chronic mental illness that affects millions of Americans today. It is a complex disease with various symptoms that can cause a multitude of issues for those that live with it. What makes bipolar disorder even more complicated is the fact...
3 Powerful Ways To Stop Anxiety Now
Let’s Get Started. Anxiety affects everyone on planet Earth, everywhere from San Jose, California to San Jose, Costa Rica. It’s a part of being alive. It’s part of the human experience. But, it doesn't have to be. At least, not to the extent it plagues most...
Why Are Women More Susceptible To Depression?
Extensive research has revealed that one in eight women develop depression at some point in their lives, which is twice the rate of cases compared to men. (1) But why is that? What makes women more vulnerable to this condition? Before explaining the significance of...
Too Close to Home: Filipino Suicide and Depression
Many Asian Americans, especially Filipino Americans, struggle with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and suicide. In fact, young Filipina women experience greater suicide ideation (45.6%) compared to other minorities (Javier et. al 2018). However, despite...