by Breaking Taboo | Mar 13, 2023 | Articles, General Mental Health
Feelings of stress can lead us to counterproductive activities that may do more bad than good in the long term. One such activity is stress eating. In a study on stress and eating behaviors published in Health Psychology Review, researchers found that...
by Breaking Taboo | Jan 16, 2023 | Articles, General Mental Health, Wellbeing
“Self Love” has become one of the catchiest concepts being thrown around in Western society, a terminology seemingly present now everywhere we look; on billboards, all across our social media feeds, in meditation practices and therapy practices. It is now a popular...
by Aisha Munshi | Aug 24, 2022 | Articles, General Mental Health, Taboo & Breaking It
The intricate mechanisms of the body alone, are quite remarkable; but once we add the functionalities of the mind to the mix, the body often succumbs to the mind’s agency in decision- making, be it conscious or sub-conscious. Although quite awesome and intricate to...
by Elaine Menshoff | Aug 12, 2022 | Articles, General Mental Health, Wellbeing
If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or self-doubt, you’ve likely struggled with stepping outside of your comfort zone. It makes sense – comfort zones lack variability – they are familiar, they are controllable, they are, well, comfortable. While we...
by Breaking Taboo | Jul 7, 2022 | Articles, General Mental Health, Wellbeing
Did you know: “More than 46 million Americans are living with a mental illness?” That’s nearly one in five U.S. adults (19% of the population). [1] So, what is mental illness? “Mental Illnesses are brain-based conditions that affect thinking, emotions, and...
by Marit Boiler | Aug 24, 2021 | Articles, General Mental Health
Pregnancy and parenthood are life-changing events that can be filled with joy and wonder. Before I became a mother at 37, I admit did not really consider how these experiences also present challenging physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. Unfortunately, though...