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Million People
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one person dies from suicide every 40 seconds.
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who end their life by suicide have an underlying mental illness.
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are preventable
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What is the Difference Between Personality Disorders and Mood Disorders?
Mood swings during stressful times are natural, but those living with a mood disorder like bipolar (BP) or personality disorder like borderline (BPD) have extreme, erratic, and sometimes irrational changes in their mental state. A lot of symptoms overlap, but these...
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A Psychotic Mind: My History of Schizophrenia, Self-Harm, and Suicide Attempts
*Trigger warning: Self-harm and suicide attempts As a child, I remember being happy, I remember feeling safe, but after my parent's divorce, I remember feeling so much anguish and pain. For me, self-injury was activated by my parent’s divorce. I was 11 years old when...
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