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What is the Difference Between Personality Disorders and Mood Disorders?
Mood swings during stressful times are natural, but those living with a mood disorder like bipolar (BP) or personality disorder like borderline (BPD) have extreme, erratic, and sometimes irrational changes in their mental state. A lot of symptoms overlap, but these...
Bipolar 1 Vs Bipolar 2, What’s the Difference?
Bipolar disorder is a severe chronic mental illness that affects millions of Americans today. It...
Remain Hopeful
A few years ago I tried taking my own life. I jumped 35 feet onto concrete. My brother took his...
Explaining Therapy to Your Immigrant Parents
Talk about Breaking Taboo, right? Perhaps it’s the case that most parents don’t quite understand...
A Week With Bipolar
drip drip drip drip The sound of my single serve coffee maker pours out a fresh cup this Monday...
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How to Live (and Thrive) with a Mental Illness
Did you know: “More than 46 million Americans are living with a mental illness?” That’s...
Mental Illness: How we Feed the Stigma and How to Starve It
The Stigma and the Taboo The stigma around mental illness is experienced when a person associated...
Mental Health Parity and Access to Care: Why We Need It and Why It’s Not Enough
Note: This article discusses mental health parity within the context of the U.S. healthcare...
Pregnancy and Parenthood: Why We Must Bring Mental Health to the Forefront
Pregnancy and parenthood are life-changing events that can be filled with joy and wonder. Before I...
Have You Ever Felt Like a Fraud? A Guide to Understanding Imposter Syndrome
Sam has always stood out among his colleagues as the brightest and most resourceful. Rather...
Dealing with Loneliness in an Overly Connected World
The music was loud enough to mute my thoughts, the air reeked of sweat and apart from the...
community stories
Explaining Therapy to Your Immigrant Parents
Talk about Breaking Taboo, right? Perhaps it’s the case that most parents don’t quite understand therapy and all that it has to offer, but immigrant parents are particularly averse to the concept of talk therapy. Maybe it’s tradition, maybe it’s misconceptions, or...
A Week With Bipolar
drip drip drip drip The sound of my single serve coffee maker pours out a fresh cup this Monday morning. I start to write in my journal— a scale from 1 to 5. My therapist had me do this exercise ranking how I feel on any particular day; 1 being awful, 5 feeling like I...
How Writing and Films Saved My Life
I write stories that come from personal truths through authentic life experiences to voice the realities of the human condition to shed light in areas of our darkness. My perception of our world has been shaped and forged by a plethora of experiences; some filled with...
My Shared Feelings – Poems
~ Marco Francis ~